Randy and Caroline

Randy and Caroline
A lovely July in Seattle!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

My 1 Year Diagnosis Anniversary (Yesterday)!

One year ago yesterday, on Friday, December 3, 2010, I received my diagnosis of appendiceal adenocarcinoma!  Thank God I'm still around one year and one day later!  With N.E.D. (No Evidence of Disease) as of my most recent CT scan, which I had in early September 2011!  Looking back over my one year and one day of knowing that my useless appendix had tried it's best to kill me off by developing an adenocarcinoma (without my permission!) that had escaped the bounds of my traitorous appendix and was metastasizing all over my peritoneum (also without my permission!), it has been quite a journey, indeed!

Needless to say, I know I wouldn't be here at all without the countless numbers of prayers and positive thoughts and best wishes that have been offered on my account for at least a year and a day!  Please keep it up, if it's not all that much trouble (or even if it is a little bit of trouble--it's well worth the effort), it's really been working wonderfully well!  Prayers and positive thoughts and best wishes are never wasted but are always recycled and reused and continue working their miraculous effects, if not always on the prayee, most certainly on the prayor!  There's only one Multiverse that we all happen to be inhabiting at this moment and we're all in it together!

The Nobel Laureate physicist Richard Feynman once hypothesized that the reason that all electrons everywhere where absolutely identical (so that it's theoretically and experimentally impossible to distinguish one electron from any other electron) was that they were all the very same electron doing an incredibly complicated dance going forward and backward in time (apparently you can go back in time to some extent if you are small enough that your true quantum mechanical nature manifests itself!--an electron going backwards in time appears to us in the macroworld as a positron, an anti-electron, going forwards in time!), a most provocative and seductive hypothesis, indeed!  Extrapolating to all the (apparently) different types of "fundamental" particles, all red up quarks are identical because they are all the very same red up quark also dancing forward and backward in time all over the known (and unknown) Universe, all muons are identical because they are all the very same muon dancing forward and backward in time all over the place, yada, yada, yada!  And, extrapolating just one little theoretical baby step further, since all the (apparently) different types of "fundamental" particles are almost certainly (at least in our theoretical physics dreams!) just various aspects of one underlying super-great-great-great-grand unified Ur-particle (usgggguUp), we're all made up of the one usgggguUp and therefore all intimately connected (entangled!) at the deepest of levels!  Remember that the next time "you" treat "others" in the very same way that "you" would like to be treated!

1 comment:

  1. Ummm.... okay, so praying for you is the same as praying for me, since we share the same single electron, etc., and are really just the same, matter-wise. And across all multiverses.

    But, regardless, congratulations, one year down, many, many, many more to go...
