Randy and Caroline

Randy and Caroline
A lovely July in Seattle!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thank God for N.E.D.!!!

We're quite pleased to be able to report that the results of my most recent CT scan show N.E.D. (No Evidence of Disease)!  And all the cancer/tumor markers in my blood are at normal (not elevated) levels!  Praise God!  Prayer works miracles!  I'm good for at least another 3 months or so (until my next CT scan)!  I love N.E.D.!  Better N.E.D. than dead!  We're elated, of course!  I'll find out tomorrow whether I need another chemo treatment or not (I'm hoping not, but if I do need to get one more chemo treatment--icing on the cake, making the rubble bounce [to mix metaphors!], then so be it!)--Thanks again for all your positive thoughts and vibes and prayers and best wishes!  They're all appreciated so much, as are you all!  It's such a wonderful, blessed relief to be free of cancer anxiety for a while!  Doxa soi, Kurie!  {Hellenistic Greek meaning "Glory to You, Lord!"}


  1. Congrats on making it through chemo, surgery, HIPEC, more chemo and then getting the best news ever! NED!

